The "Hero" artist Team
(Photo from left to right)
- Daniel Martinez Lara (Direction) http://pepe-school-land.com/ http://pepeland.com/
- Javier Salvador (Design and Animation) http://www.javisalvador.com/
- Maria Vela (Design) https://www.instagram.com/maria__vela/?hl=es
- Sergi Miranda (Animation) http://sergimiranda.tumblr.com/
All these artists are ex students or students from Pepe School Land.
- Rafa Cano
- Abel Tebar
- Miguel Gomez Selva
- Renato Roldan
- Yanco G. Apesteguia
- Oscar Araujo
The GP development team
(Photo from left to right)
- Antonio Vazquez (Antonioya)
- Joshua Leung (Aligorith),
- Matias Mendiola (mmendio)
- Daniel Martinez Lara (Pepeland)