We are back with the weeklies in 2017. Animation production continues, with Nathan working on a new sequence, where the Agent finds out he is being tracked by Boris!
Since Nathan is working remotely at the moment, Hjalti is providing him feedback via Blender Cloud. Check out this highly specific video about shot 13-going_down to get an idea.
Next to animation reviews, Hjalti has been working on multiple animations shots (Agent walks into barbershop, Agent searches mirror, etc.)
Kjartan continued his work on Wu Manchu , which will take several days as anticipated. So much care and love is going into those textiles...
Make sure you check out the high-resolution images in the weekly folder!

Beau is preparing to wrap-up his work on the Henchmen, so he presented some soon-to-be-final rendered poses. He will get another round of feedback from the team this week and most likely end up with some great poster material!
Andy has been working on more final-looking renders, as well as damaged variations of some hero assets (Agent watch and the hair drier). He wrote detailed notes in his weekly folder.

More Blender Cloud videos
Both Colin and Juan Pablo have uploaded some videos for the team on Blender Cloud, respectively a feedback session on the overall progress of the film, and a technical demo on how to work with the henchmen rigs (based on Blenrig)

## Flamenco render manager
After a few weeks of hard work, Sybren showcased a working prototype for the upcoming version of Flamenco, our render management software. More news about it will be coming soon.