We are back to business with the Agent 327 animation test! This week at the weekly everybody was presenting some cool updates.
Andy has been working on the outdoor shot, in the first animation sequence. He created a street layout using satellite imagery, combined with Open Street Map data, and started adding more details using a selection of reference photos.

Andy did several render tests to explore different lighting conditions for the shot, and finally, he did a paint-over on one render.
Hjalti presented a work in progress version of the edit, with some temp sound. The sound is copyrighted, so we are not able to share it, but the video is on the Cloud!

Pablo has been working all week tuning the Blender Cloud experience. He worked on:
- main layout (hide comments)
- adding support for Vimeo video in comments
- fixes for project homepages (better layout, featured items, etc)
- various mobile fixes

Sybren has committed the Blender-ID add-on into the official Blender Add-ons repository: it will be available in the upcoming 2.78 Blender release! Also, he was involved in the Pillar fusion project, preparing for Attract and Flamenco integration in the Blender Cloud. Further, he worked on some general usability tweaks on the Blender Cloud site, and pushed a small feature to Blender itself: disable strip name visualization when waveform display is enabled.
See you next week for the next update!