Welcome the updated version of the Rain rig!
Some of the features of the rig include:
- IK/FK toggle and snapping for the limbs
- Stretchy IK toggle for the limbs and spine
- Bendy Bone powered body tweak controls
- FK Hinge toggles and snapping
- IK Parent switching and snapping
- Layered face controls
- Eye target parent switching and snapping
- Designed with newcomers and pros both in mind
- Simple and clean rig UI
- No add-ons required! All required scripts are included with the .blend and will auto-run when opening the file.
Check out a walkthrough of the rig's features in this video
NOTE: When appending or linking the rig, you will have to save and reload the file for the rig scripts to start running.
Rain is free to use, provided that you respect the CC-BY license by including the following credit:
Rain Rig © Blender Foundation | cloud.blender.org